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Task Lists to help you stay organised!

17 Oct 2022
There are always things to do around horses! They seem to create work!

HorseRecords allows you to keep a handy task list that can be linked to each horse to help you get all that work done!

This is a new feature implemented last week. Check it out!

Foaling dates for all your mares!

"My favourite feature is the foaling date report!" - Kelsey, Tarrawonga Stock Horses.

With foaling season upon us - it is good to know which mares are due next. You can then easily organise them to move into your foaling paddocks.

If you are a recent member of HorseRecords you can back date the serving date of your mare with the "Served" event - and the foaling date will be automatically calculated for you.

Supporting Horse Businesses

08 Jul 2022
HorseRecords now has a specialised area designed specifically for Horse Businesses.

If you have a Horse Business such as training, re-homing, agistment, breeding, rehabilitation etc. - this is for you!

In the Horse Business Console you can:
  1. Easily manage clients
  2. Record all work you have performed on your client's horses
  3. Unlock extra income for your business
  4. Enjoy custom branding with your logo
  5. Save time
The Horse Business Console is available at NO EXTRA COST once you have a paid plan with HorseRecords.

Contact Andy on 0402 955 438 for more info, a demo, and a discussion on your requirements!

Training Log

16 May 2022
It is now much easier to record the training, work, education or rehabilitation you provide to your horse.

You can now mark events as "training" type events that appear in their own tab.

This provides you with transparency on the work being done with the horse. Printing out is easy - so you can give to your vet, chiropractor or rehabilitation expert!

Another great feature making it easy to manage your horses records!

Gear and Tack Management now available!

30 Apr 2022
You can now manage the gear and tack for each horse in HorseRecords.

You can break it down per discipline, print it out and put it on your stable wall! Use it to get your show gear ready for the next day.

No more whiteboards or memory lapses!

Give the list to your strapper/groom or partner so they put the right tack on!

Racing stables can use this list to hand to the Steward on racing day!
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